

New Pattern

I should be getting my Margo Anderson's undergarments pattern today! I am so excited to get started on this summer's projects! I've already started looking at blackwork patterns for the shift. When I'm not in the mood, or creative place, to draft my own patterns I love to look at the Blackwork Archives and see what grabs me. I usually decide by doing a quick version of a few different patterns to see what I like and if I will like it better in blue or red. I usually end up sticking with black because it goes with EVERYTHING and I don't have to worry about the embroidery working with different pieces. Since blackwork is one of my guilty pleasures (if I don't stop myself I tend to get carried away), picking one pattern or even two for one piece can be difficult, so I try to get that out of the way before I even start the project.
I get ridiculously excited when I am preparing to start a new project. I usually sketch out a few versions of what I want to do, in case I can't find my first choice of fabric or color and then go crazy until I can actually start working. In the past I haven't worried too much about undergarments, but this project calls for the 'right' undergarments before I even start on the outer garment. This project will include my altered version of a corset( pair of bodies), as mentioned in a previous post, to accommodate the health problems I have. So, in future posts I'm hoping to track my progress through this very long project. In addition I may be doing a project for a friend that I will also try to post on.
Wish me luck!!


First Corset Musings

Here is a run-down of my first corset project that I completed in the summer of '09 for a good friend, it was mostly an experiment. I used a Simplicity costume pattern and I followed it's directions to the "T". The biggest thing I would change was the use of soft plastic boning. The corset itself turned out ok, but the plastic boning was too flexible to give my friend the needed support. The style of the corset is more suited to the Tudor period than to the Elizabethan period it was intended for. All things being equal, it didn't turn out that bad. I did hand sew the entire project and for a experiment it didn't turn out that bad.
Please excuse the quality of the picture there could have been some better lighting there.



This is my first attempt at blogging, so please have patience as I get the hang of this! As soon as I have figured out how to get pictures to post I will be posting pictures of my most recent projects. I just finished an 18th century embroidered pocket and will hopefully be soon embarking on my first Margo Anderson Patterns ensemble.......starting with a chemise and corset, otherwise known as pair of bodies. My corset will be something of an experiment, even though I will be using a pattern. For those of you who have ever worn a corset of any period you will know that while they are for the most part quite comfortable and do wonders for your posture there are some instances when wearing a corset is extremely painful. I developed endometriosis and IBS several years ago and the abdominal swelling that goes with those conditions makes wearing a corset almost impossible. So I am going to attempt to put together a corset that gives me the shape and bust support required for the Elizabethan period, but allows me to be comfortable. I will be using a pattern, but altering certain features to get the result I need. Stay tuned for more on this experiment this summer.
In the meantime I will work hard to get some pictures up and get the hang of this!