

First Corset Musings

Here is a run-down of my first corset project that I completed in the summer of '09 for a good friend, it was mostly an experiment. I used a Simplicity costume pattern and I followed it's directions to the "T". The biggest thing I would change was the use of soft plastic boning. The corset itself turned out ok, but the plastic boning was too flexible to give my friend the needed support. The style of the corset is more suited to the Tudor period than to the Elizabethan period it was intended for. All things being equal, it didn't turn out that bad. I did hand sew the entire project and for a experiment it didn't turn out that bad.
Please excuse the quality of the picture there could have been some better lighting there.

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous corset. And being the gal that it was made for I can truly speak to the amazing quality and handy work. If does need more support from the boning though! Some of us gals need help keeping things in :-)
